At MarSenses Hotels & Homes we have always shown our commitment to people and their value, both personally and professionally. However, we know that there is always more that can be done when protecting the rights of our staff. Are we leaders? Yes, we are!
On that note, we want to continue to show our commitment to all LGBTQIA+ people in the company, especially in the workplace, creating safe environments, free of prejudice and discrimination.
For this reason, since last Friday 24th January, MarSenses has joined the Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gais, Trans, Bisexuales, Intersexuales y más (FELGTBI+), becoming the first spanish hotel chain to corroborate the need to take care of all the people of the collective in all its workplaces.
In this way, a firm commitment is made to the training and education of the people who make up its workforce, creating safe working spaces free of discrimination based on affective-sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression and sexual characteristics.
By joining the FELGTBI+ and participating in its Companies for Diversity programme (EMIDIS), we will have access to a diagnosis that allows us to see how we manage diversity and real LGBTQIA+ Inclusion, as well as to see the areas in which we can improve and implement it. All this, to ensure that all LGBTQIA+ staff know that they are protected, and that their workplace is a safe space free from any prejudice and discrimination.
Thus, this action goes much further than just looking after the rights of the collective, it also has a social and educational component, given that in order for LGBTQIA+ inclusion to be real and complete, it is necessary for the entire workforce to be trained and sensitised to the realities of the collective, thus achieving greater knowledge and a greater sense of camaraderie.
Why do we do it?
Knowing and understanding the realities and how people of the collective have been discriminated against throughout history is of vital importance. Thus, as a team, this action allows us to make an exercise of conscience and see how we can be better people and more aware of the environment around us.
How do we do it?
Easy peasy. Through training on basic concepts, inclusive communication, allies, attracting and retaining diverse talent, safe spaces and non-discrimination.
Through FELGTBI+’s EMIDIS (Empresas por la Diversidad) program, we will learn about the different realities with which we coexist on a daily basis and identify behaviors that, besides being archaic and totally sexist, are totally out of place.
In this ship, we are ALL in. No one is left behind. Therefore, it is worth remembering that this action marks a milestone for MarSenses Hotels & Homes, which becomes a benchmark in promoting and defending the rights of LGBTQIA+ people.
In addition, special attention is paid to the trans collective, who in most cases do not tell or do not talk about their identity in their jobs for fear of reprisals or discrimination. At this point, we will focus on the Yes We Trans program of the FELGTBI+, in which we will not only gain knowledge and awareness of the reality of transgender people, but also participate in a job market exclusively for this group, just as valid as any other person.
Through ‘Yes We Trans’ we provide a series of professional profiles of trans people who apply for a position within the company. At the same time, training and awareness-raising resources are offered on trans realities so that they can become benchmarks of diversity and inclusion at a corporate and social level.
It is important to remember that the trans collective has been – and continues to be – punished in the workplace by social values rooted in the past, regardless of the value of individuals. In this regard, it is worth highlighting that 77% of trans women have suffered discrimination when looking for a job, and even half of trans women, 47%, have suffered discrimination at work, simply for being themselves.
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